
Thursday May 28, 2009
Macbeth revision VII: his tragic end
Thursday May 28, 2009
Thursday May 28, 2009
Podcast 11: The last of our seven Macbeth revision sessions deals with Macbeth as he faces his end in Act V, and analyses the crucial speech in Act V scene v, 'Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrrow...' It looks at why we consider his story tragic, given the horrendous deeds he has committed.

Friday May 22, 2009
Macbeth revision VI: quotation auto-test
Friday May 22, 2009
Friday May 22, 2009
Our penultimate Macbeth revision podcast is a little different. Here are ten quotations from the play; you can pause your computer or MP3 player after each, and guess who spoke the words, and the context, and then listen to the answers and a commentary on the quotation. These commentaries examine the quotations as key moments in the play, linking them to the rest of the text, and again trying to prompt fresh reflection on the themes and characters.

Wednesday May 20, 2009
Louise C. Callaghan: an interview and reading
Wednesday May 20, 2009
Wednesday May 20, 2009
For Podcast 9, we're delighted to present an extended interview with the poet Louise C. Callaghan, who discusses her poetry, and reads several poems. Included is 'The Binder's Notes', the poem for which Louise was shortlisted at the recent Strokestown International Poetry Festival, and which you can read here on their website. Louise also reads poems such as 'The Palatine Daughter Marries a Catholic', 'Fragments', 'The Trader's Magneto Dynamo Company' and 'The Trick Is', and discusses the origins of her writing, and the methods she uses to encourage children to write.

Sunday May 17, 2009
Macbeth revision V: the Witches and the supernatural
Sunday May 17, 2009
Sunday May 17, 2009
Our 5th Macbeth revision podcast, leading up to the Leaving Certificate, examines the influence of the 'weird sisters' and the supernatural on the events of the play, particularly on Macbeth's own thoughts and actions. It concentrates on the witches' influence in the early part of the play.

Monday May 11, 2009
Macbeth revision IV: Malcolm the hero?
Monday May 11, 2009
Monday May 11, 2009
Podcast no 7 : Our fourth Macbeth revision podcast in a series leading up to the Leaving Certificate looks primarily at the latter part of the play. It leads on from last week's session, which examined the nature of order and law in the early part of the play. This week, we consider the end of the story, looking particularly at Malcolm and Macduff in the long scene set in England, the English King Edward, and our feelings as an audience as we watch Macbeth vanquished by the forces of decency.

Monday May 04, 2009
Macbeth revision III: King Macbeth
Monday May 04, 2009
Monday May 04, 2009
Our third Macbeth revision podcast prior to the Leaving Certificate is 'King Macbeth: law and order in Scotland', and looks at the nature of monarchy in the world of Shakespeare's text, examining the idea of the natural order, and looking at Duncan's rule at the start of the play. Some historical background is also discussed.

Thursday Apr 30, 2009
Geoffrey Chaucer: an interview with Terry Dolan
Thursday Apr 30, 2009
Thursday Apr 30, 2009
Our fifth podcast is an interview with Professor Terry Dolan about the life, times and works of the great Middle English poet Geoffrey Chaucer, especially his masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales. Professor Dolan talks about the nature of English society at the time, and discusses pilgrims such as the Knight, the Prioress and the Wife of Bath.

Sunday Apr 26, 2009
Macbeth revision II: the real Lady Macbeth
Sunday Apr 26, 2009
Sunday Apr 26, 2009
Our second revision podcast on Macbeth examines the role of Lady Macbeth, who is too often reduced to a simplistic black and white character, but who should be considered as a real woman, complex and sometimes fragile. This podcast looks at the nine scenes in which she appears.

Sunday Apr 19, 2009
Macbeth revision 1: the crucial moment
Sunday Apr 19, 2009
Sunday Apr 19, 2009
The first of our weekly revision podcasts on the play Macbeth opens with an analysis of the crucial soliloquy beginning Act I scene vii, 'If it were done...' These revision podcasts are designed to freshen up thinking in the weeks leading up to the Leaving Certificate in early June.

Wednesday Mar 18, 2009
Richard Yates: his life and works, discussed by John Fanagan
Wednesday Mar 18, 2009
Wednesday Mar 18, 2009
Our second podcast is an interview with former Head of Department, John Fanagan, who has been discovering the works of the American novelist Richard Yates (1926-92). Somewhat neglected since his death, this has changed thanks to the success of the recent film of his novel Revolutionary Road. John discusses Yates's 'disaster area' of a private life, and several novels and short stories.